PAHL Central , Regular Season



1 2 3 T
Sharknado 1 3 1 5
Misfits 3 2 3 8



Shots on Goal

Team 1 2 3 Total
Sharknado 1 3 1 5
Misfits 3 2 3 8

Power Plays

Sharknado 0-5 8
Misfits 0-4 10

1st Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
1:58 Sharknado Drake Curtis Goal (even strength)
SK 1 - Misfit 0
2:45 Misfits Goal (even strength)
SK 1 - Misfit 1
7:13 Misfits Goal (even strength)
SK 1 - Misfit 2
16:12 Misfits Goal (even strength)
SK 1 - Misfit 3
TimeTeamPenalty Detail
18:23 Sharknado Interference - Minor (0:0)

2nd Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
1:16 Sharknado Goal (even strength)
SK 2 - Misfit 3
4:01 Sharknado Goal (even strength)
SK 3 - Misfit 3
12:01 Sharknado Goal (even strength)
SK 4 - Misfit 3
17:09 Misfits Goal (even strength)
Assists: Tate Beason
SK 4 - Misfit 4
18:42 Misfits Goal (even strength)
SK 4 - Misfit 5
TimeTeamPenalty Detail
13:18 Misfits Tate Beason: Delay of Game - Minor (0:0)
14:13 Sharknado Drake Curtis: Minor (0:0)
19:29 Misfits Interference - Minor (0:0)

3rd Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
4:39 Misfits Goal (even strength)
SK 4 - Misfit 6
7:30 Sharknado Goal (even strength)
SK 5 - Misfit 6
18:10 Misfits Goal (even strength)
SK 5 - Misfit 7
18:53 Misfits Goal (even strength)
SK 5 - Misfit 8
TimeTeamPenalty Detail
2:42 Misfits Minor (0:0)
10:54 Misfits Roughing - Minor (0:0)
18:00 Misfits Roughing - Minor (0:0)
18:00 Sharknado Roughing - Minor (0:0)
18:00 Sharknado Roughing - Minor (0:0)



# Name G A PIM
11 Drake Curtis 1 0 2
22 Giulio Frasca 0 0 0
Totals: 5 0 8


# Name Min Sh Sv Dec
0 sub goalie 60:00 8 0 LOSS
Totals: 60:00 8 0 0


# Name Signature



# Name G A PIM
Andrew Mariani 0 0 0
Eric Scollard 0 0 0
Raf Magar 0 0 0
Tim Matijow 0 0 0
Walker Burnette 0 0 0
Daniel Zulkowski 0 0 0
Ryan Brown 0 0 0
12 Tate Beason 0 1 2
Totals: 8 1 10


# Name Min Sh Sv Dec
0 goalie sub 60:00 5 0 WIN
Totals: 60:00 5 0 0


# Name Signature

1st Period -- Scoring: SK - Curtis Goal (even strength) 1:58; Misfit - Goal (even strength) 2:45; Misfit - Goal (even strength) 7:13; Misfit - Goal (even strength) 16:12. Penalties: , SK (Interference, Minor, 2 min) 18:23. Goalie Changes: None.

2nd Period -- Scoring: SK - Goal (even strength) 1:16; SK - Goal (even strength) 4:01; SK - Goal (even strength) 12:01; Misfit - Goal (even strength) (Beason) 17:09; Misfit - Goal (even strength) 18:42. Penalties: Beason, Misfit (Delay of Game, Minor, 2 min) 13:18; Curtis, SK (Minor, 2 min) 14:13; , Misfit (Interference, Minor, 2 min) 19:29. Goalie Changes: None.

3rd Period -- Scoring: Misfit - Goal (even strength) 4:39; SK - Goal (even strength) 7:30; Misfit - Goal (even strength) 18:10; Misfit - Goal (even strength) 18:53. Penalties: , Misfit (Minor, 2 min) 2:42; , Misfit (Roughing, Minor, 2 min) 10:54; , Misfit (Roughing, Minor, 2 min) 18:00; , SK (Roughing, Minor, 2 min) 18:00; , SK (Roughing, Minor, 2 min) 18:00. Goalie Changes: None.

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