South Upper B , Regular Season

The Tortugas


1 2 3 T
The Tortugas 3 3 5 11
Ice Surgeons 2 1 2 5

Ice Surgeons


Shots on Goal

Team 1 2 3 Total
The Tortugas 3 3 5 11
Ice Surgeons 2 1 2 5

Power Plays

The Tortugas 0-0 0
Ice Surgeons 0-0 0

1st Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
0:13 The Tortugas Dylan Muench Goal (even strength)
TT 1 - IS 0
7:17 Ice Surgeons Brian Killius Goal (even strength)
Assists: John Andrews
TT 1 - IS 1
8:29 The Tortugas Alex Badia Goal (even strength)
Assists: Eric Mura , William Austin
TT 2 - IS 1
14:47 Ice Surgeons Brian Killius Goal (even strength)
TT 2 - IS 2
15:53 The Tortugas William Austin Goal (even strength)
Assists: Richard French , Steven Corey
TT 3 - IS 2
TimeTeamPenalty Detail

2nd Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
3:31 The Tortugas Isaac Kichak Goal (even strength)
TT 4 - IS 2
4:45 The Tortugas Isaac Kichak Goal (even strength)
Assists: Dylan Muench , William Austin
TT 5 - IS 2
9:00 Ice Surgeons Brian Killius Goal (even strength)
Assists: John Andrews
TT 5 - IS 3
17:01 The Tortugas Steven Corey Goal (even strength)
Assists: William Austin
TT 6 - IS 3
TimeTeamPenalty Detail

3rd Period Summary

TimeTeamScoring DetailScore
2:59 Ice Surgeons John Andrews Goal (even strength)
TT 6 - IS 4
6:01 The Tortugas William Austin Goal (even strength)
TT 7 - IS 4
12:45 Ice Surgeons Goal (even strength)
TT 7 - IS 5
13:23 The Tortugas Isaac Kichak Goal (even strength)
TT 8 - IS 5
14:50 The Tortugas Isaac Kichak Goal (even strength)
Assists: Alex Badia , William Austin
TT 9 - IS 5
18:39 The Tortugas Steven Corey Goal (even strength)
Assists: William Austin
TT 10 - IS 5
19:59 The Tortugas Luke Tappe Goal (even strength)
TT 11 - IS 5
TimeTeamPenalty Detail

The Tortugas


# Name G A PIM
0 Luke Tappe 1 0 0
2 Erik Trautz 0 0 0
4 Eric Mura 0 1 0
5 Alex Badia 1 1 0
7 Isaac Kichak 4 0 0
9 Steven Corey 2 1 0
10 Chris Martucci 0 0 0
17 Dylan Muench 1 1 0
19 Richard French 0 1 0
22 William Austin 2 5 0
Totals: 11 10 0


# Name Min Sh Sv Dec
sub Goalie 60:00 5 0 WIN
Totals: 60:00 5 0 0


# Name Signature

Ice Surgeons


# Name G A PIM
0 Calvin Stone 0 0 0
16 John Andrews 1 2 0
7 John Kasper 0 0 0
14 Brian Killius 3 0 0
18 David Watkins 0 0 0
Totals: 5 2 0


# Name Min Sh Sv Dec
sub Goalie 60:00 11 0 LOSS
Totals: 60:00 11 0 0


# Name Signature

1st Period -- Scoring: TT - Muench Goal (even strength) 0:13; IS - Killius Goal (even strength) (Andrews) 7:17; TT - Badia Goal (even strength) (Mura, Austin) 8:29; IS - Killius Goal (even strength) 14:47; TT - Austin Goal (even strength) (French, Corey) 15:53. Penalties: None. Goalie Changes: None.

2nd Period -- Scoring: TT - Kichak Goal (even strength) 3:31; TT - Kichak Goal (even strength) (Muench, Austin) 4:45; IS - Killius Goal (even strength) (Andrews) 9:00; TT - Corey Goal (even strength) (Austin) 17:01. Penalties: None. Goalie Changes: None.

3rd Period -- Scoring: IS - Andrews Goal (even strength) 2:59; TT - Austin Goal (even strength) 6:01; IS - Goal (even strength) 12:45; TT - Kichak Goal (even strength) 13:23; TT - Kichak Goal (even strength) (Badia, Austin) 14:50; TT - Corey Goal (even strength) (Austin) 18:39; TT - Tappe Goal (even strength) 19:59. Penalties: None. Goalie Changes: None.

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